Thursday, July 15, 2010


In progress: I am trying a process update - pen work with digital coloring utilizing pastel textures created by moi. Any thoughts? Technique-wise especially..

I am going to do my "be sure to stop and smell the roses or they might get angry and steal your noses" story as a sequential single--page piece (so... 24 panels MAX).. some color some simple black and white. I want to display them large in a group show im doing in a month here in nyc.

1 comment:

  1. So here are my thoughts... One, I love the idea of combining your pen work (or graphite work) with digital color. I think this technique will lend itself very well to your process. Two, I think you need to find a balance between the linework and the color. Let the pen (or graphite) do the work for you as far as the value goes and try experimenting with using flatter, smoother colors (with more subtle transitions between colors). Right now things are looking a little "blotchy" (that could be due to the fact that this is just a sample piece though). Three, overall the rose is working better for me than the face. Four, be careful not to overwork the pen/graphite so much that it overwhelms your brilliant sense of color (which is one of the major hallmarks of your work). Finally, keep going with this! I love the sense of structure this technique brings to your work.
