Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CLose to finish!

Hey guys, just looking for final crits on this piece. Maybe resolution on the puddle or background trees? Maybe more dark vignetting in the foreground? Thoughts please! And thanks to Elyse I now have a very detailed schedule to finish this series and accountability, yay teamwork!



  1. oof, that green is way more neon in this upload than in real life.

  2. Wow. Honestly, I think you're done. The figure is gorgeous and I love, love, love the green reflected light from the pool. Amazing. I like the background trees exactly how they are. The simplicity and rhythm of the shapes are beautiful and the white silhouettes of the trunks contrast nicely with the developed rendering of the figure. Any more detail in the background would detract from the focal point. Nice mastery of the oils my friend. I really can't find anything to criticize. The only suggestion I have is to maybe think about darkening the bottom left corner slightly to exaggerate the vignette even more (the bottom right corner is so dark). I don't know, just play with it. Anyway, I'm very impressed and I can't wait to see the rest of the series.

    1. ok, full disclosure, this is digital. I started out traditional, but it was taking so long and so infuriating i didn't think id ever be able to finish the series in a reasonable amount of time. But thanks for the feedback Christi!

  3. I actually wondered if it was digital because it resembles the technique you used on the piece with of Bear Rex falling off of a bookshelf.

    The figure and the water looks great, I love it! Something about the trees feel a little off to me though. Maybe they stand out a little too much...?
