Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fievel's Christmas Tail

Now that the overwhelming juggernaut known as the 'Holiday Season' has finally passed, I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. Believe it or not, my revamped website is nearing completion (a few tweaks notwithstanding), I have some projects in the pipeline that I'm working on, and I have some new stuff to share with you guys!

Every Christmas I always try to make all of my gifts...but this year, I didn't manage to accomplish as much as I intended. I was also working on a commission (more on that in another post) simultaneously with my attempts at gift-making, so naturally most of my energy was concentrated on the commission. I'm actually still tweaking some things that were meant to be a Christmas gifts because, let's face it, I'm the worst friend ever.

Luckily, I did manage to finish my sister's gift in time: an ornament of Fievel Mousekewitz from An American Tail and Fievel Goes West, some of her favorite movies from her childhood.

I made Fievel the same way I made the stuffed versions of Vesuvius and friends -- I broke him down into simplified shapes, made patterns for the pieces, then constructed him out of felt, thread, and fiberfill. Since I was making this with very little turn-around time, I was constantly editing my patterns as I was making it. For example: he originally had a large open-mouthed smile with his large teeth showing, but to save time, I opted for the simple stitched mouth line you see in the image (which I think wound up being more effective anyway).

I'll be posting the commission I was working on and some other things on here as I finish them (and once my website is up and running, I might not even need to make a post -- I think you'll hear my huge sigh of relief all the way from Florida), in the meantime...what have you guys been working on? I'm always excited to see new work, so if you have anything to share, please do!

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