Monday, August 3, 2009


First post of August! How exciting. Well, three is all we get this week cuz the month just started and all. Walrus (with bonus flamingo) the 1st, Fox 2nd, and Whippit the 3rd. I feel like i could make them more 'complete' drawings, but how? *starry far off look*
Oh and,
Damn it Annelise, where are you? Christina and I are holding this ship together ourselves, don't go the way of Chad, all AWOL and such.
Oh yah, you have a job where you do this stuff all the time.

In unrelated news, i finally got something that resembles a job- under the table pizza delivery bro. It works. See you guys later.


*Edit- I just re-uploaded the pictures, are they working now?


  1. I can't see your pictures!! It makes me sad :( Try re-posting them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay!! They look great Brendan! My favorite is the walrus with his little flamingo buddy. It makes me smile! And the fox looks like he has attitude. I can't wait to see more!
