Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chi-wowzers! A Puppy Post!

I've been meaning to make a new post, but since I've been working on some fairly time-consuming projects (branding for my friend's Esty site + trying to wrangle Dreamweaver into submission so I can finally finish the epic and overly-complicated redo of my own website) I don't really have any new 'work' work to show just yet. I have been doodling a lot lately though, so I thought I'd share some of them from time to time (providing they turn out well).

Two weekends ago, I went to Jacksonville to visit a friend and get web advice. I figured I probably wouldn't be able to come back up for her birthday next month, I made her a 'Happy (Almost) Birthday' cake and stuck this in it as a decoration since she and her boyfriend have 2 chihuahuas. It's prismacolor markers and Uni-Ball pen on a standard office note card. Surprisingly, note cards take markers pretty well with little/no color bleed. The more you know, right?


  1. Very cute. The nipples are a nice touch.

    1. Why thank you. The nipples are a key element. Every time I visit, Honey (the dog this is based off of) lays on her back and exposes them to me while giving me a look that says, "Draw me like one of your French girls".

    2. Those french girls of yours, they are a lucky bunch.
