Sunday, September 5, 2010

Princesses & Puppies (a.k.a. a faux-Christina post)

About a month ago, I replied to a listing on Craigslist in which a woman said she wanted someone to illustrate a book that she was writing. Even though Craigslist is mega-sketch, I decided to reply anyway because I figured, since there was nary a penis to be found in the post, this woman might be for realsies.

Well, she actually replied back saying that she liked my stuff and wanted to give me a 'test run' to see if she liked the ideas I had for her characters (a girl who dresses like a princess and a golden lab puppy). I got really excited that I had actually heard from someone for once, so I replied the next day with what I thought would be the cutest friggin sketches ever.

I think they kinda look like I tried to mix Bill Watterson and Chris Sanders' styles with my own, resulting in something that looks a little like creepy muppet babies. But they're still cute. Right? Sorta? . . . Maybe if you squint.

Anyway, I heard nothing. She couldn't even offer up the courtesy of an "Oh hi, thanks for the sketches but YER STUFF IS RANK, SMELL YA LATERZ POO-BREATH" e-mail. Maybe she thought I had to have been a big ol' weirdo because I said I imagined her character as someone who would watch Eureeka's Castle. Her loss.


  1. Aaaaadorable. The princess in the bottom right corner is my favorite :)

  2. Oh. and the upper left puppy peaking out from behind the dress makes me say "aaaaawww!" in a rather mushy tone of voice :) :)

  3. These are vomitiously cute. And amazing. Her loss indeed. And I've tried craigslist once or twice for the whole "OMGeeee i has a kids book and it needs pix!!!" post. Never again.

    I love the Muppet feel, and honestly the lady probably wanted some lame bland watercolor trite, but she was blinded by this unexpected awesomeness. Consequently, she was literally unable to see the computer to email you back begging you to take her money and first born to illustrate her book.

    Were I to critique, I'd say that while clearly the focus is on the girl, the dog's silhouette could be pushed to be more interesting, or graphically simpler, to complement the girl.

  4. super wonderful, chad. i think you have a real thing going with your more stylized, cartoonier figures. i agree that the dog could have more attention, more character development.
