Monday, September 20, 2010

Value/Color comp

Ok guys, whaddayah think? I'm unsure. I feel like it needs more color. But I dunno. Thoughts please.


  1. Love the yellow/violet complimentary thing you have going on as well as the mood created by the values. The contrast makes things pop. However, I think you need to bump up the saturation and vibrancy of the colors in select areas especially in the yellows of the focal point... maybe add some yellow-oranges? I'd like to see some richer purples in some areas too (like the gargoyle dude's robe and in contrasty spots in the focal point). Also, loose the greens that you've got going in the vines/foliage. In my opinion it just muddies things up. Stick with a strictly complementary color palette. Maybe take it into photoshop and play around with the levels a little to see what you can get. Oh. And I also really like the reflected light/glowing effects. Way to go :)

  2. you're awesome Christinia! Thanks so much for the suggestions!

  3. haha... I try, and you are very welcome. any time :) I can't wait to see the finished painting!

  4. it def could use some stronger lights and more concrete dark spaces. and then some color for focal points. i think it just needs more time. :)
