Monday, March 28, 2011

And We All Fall Down

So here we have it. And even on schedule. I would like your thoughts guys. I was thinking about tweaking it in hue/saturation to try different color schemes. But this one seems ok to me.


  1. Yay Brendan!! Love it. The composition is dynamic, the color scheme is warm and friendly (I don't think you need to do any tweaking) and the style is enchanting! I especially like the texture - it softens the piece and somehow makes it feel "richer". The details are wonderful and charming. The doll looking up at bear-rex from the bookshelf makes me smile.

    Three extremely picky things, though (and I'm really digging here). One: the rug is creating a little bit of a tangent where it visually intersects bear-rex's head and the middle-ground book. Just needs a minor adjustment. Two: bear-rex's arm (the one stretched down farthest from the viewer) seems a little small? I know it's dramatic perspective and it really doesn't bother me, but the two claws seem maybe a bit too tiny compared to the rest of the claws (perspective feels slightly too forced on that one limb). Three (and this one's even pickier): in the Alice illustration there could maybe be less value contrast? Especially the dark value around Alice's skirt (contrasting with the light value of her arms and skirt). The Alice illustration is detailed (great, by the way) plus it's situated right at the edge of the picture plane - two things that automatically draw attention and emphasis. The focal point is obviously bear-rex's face and I have no problem identifying it, but I think the Alice illustration is drawing slightly too much weight away from the focal point (a focal point that is superbly framed and emphasized by the circular composition ). If you decreased the value contrast around alice (aiming for more middle to light values), the detail of that area would still draw the viewer's eye, but it wouldn't compete with the focal point.

  2. I hope all that made sense. Reading back over it there seems to be an over abundance of parentheses. If it was confusing, feel free to call me and I will happily attempt to clarify.

    But, truly, excellent piece. And good job on sticking to your deadline! Keep at it. Do you have any ideas for your next illustration? I want to see more like this!

  3. I may have died a lotta bit at how awesomely Mary Blair-ish the coloring makes this look. Kudos to you.

    I basically agree with everything Christina said and I also think the floor does look a little empty like you surmised it might in the last post. I think if you make the rug larger so that it is closer to the wall, it will break up that empty space and get rid of the Bear-Rex head tangent C-Nasty mentioned.

    Keep up the good work. You make your fake secret lover proud.

    Oh, and I wouldn't tweak the colors too much, I think they are pretty bueno as is.

  4. i like! needs more contrast tho.. the focal points need to pop better. when in doubt, make it SCREAM rather than hide. love the colors and comp.
