Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crit and stuff

So I've had a weird bout of artist productivity. I attribute it to Chad's wise refrain from use of negativity as a motivator and instead called me a dirty sonuvabitch. Thank you Chad.

So yah, I've been going to a lot of life drawing sessions and, as I mentioned to Christina,  I even went to the local zoo to draw. The following are highlights:

Additionally I am working on a new portfolio piece and want some input on the comp drawing.
I'm thinking the ground is suspiciously devoid of anything besides a cat and rug. A dresser or couch perhaps? Or I could just ignore the area and cleverly cover it up with sneaky color and shadow. Which is what I'm leaning toward now. That big open foreground book is going to feature an illustration within this illustration (I love stuff like that). This is the sketch for that:
 Get it? Falling? It's so self-referencing and post-modern.

I'm gonna finish this all digitally. Something along the lines of that Badir fan art I posted a while back. Thoughts appreciated. Look Chad, I drew!


  1. I was just thinking about you and wondering about the progress you'd made on your falling bear-rex piece when I received the "blog check" email. It made me smile.

    Anyway. The zoo sketches are delightful. You said you were especially proud of your rhino, but personally I'm fond of the giraffe... it looks so sassy.

    Love the bear-rex comp!! Don't worry about the floor. You have so much detail as is, just go with the "sneaky color and shadow" thing. Also, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Brilliant. Are you going to render the Alice illu in a more "John Tenniel-esque" b/w style, or are you going to stick with the same style as the rest of the piece? Other than that question (which is simply curiosity on my part), I think you're ready to forge ahead onto the final. Go for it! Can't wait to see the finish.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You drew? Wha?!

    I like this piece so far, you still remain king of convincing perspective and I am way jealous of your ability to actually make a background that doesn't look like Poopy McPooperson had an unfortunate accident.

    I don't think a couch or dresser is necessary, but if you really really ridiculously want something else on the floor, you could always scatter simple things vague articles of clothing or toys around to break up the space (it is supposed to be a kid's room, right?).

    Also: illustration within an illustration is very inspired. I approve. And I really approve of your decision to utilize the same technique you used on the Badir piece because that came out really cool. It doesn't get much Badir than that.

    Yes, I just punned. Don't like it? Come at me, bro.

  4. P.S. I have no idea why it says I removed my comment.

  5. P.P.S. Oh, and the zoo sketches are cool, I really like your rhino. You should name it Righteous Rhonda, because it looks like she is judgmentally side-eying me.
